A Message from the Principal
Welcome to Lakeland Elementary! We would like to take this opportunity to welcome everyone to our school. It is one concerned with the well-being of each individual that belongs to it, and it is one to be proud of. This school belongs to all of us, so we all need to work together in an orderly manner to ensure that our children get the best education possible.
I believe that all of our students have potential. It is our duty when they come to school to find their area of potential and nurture it. Every student can, and needs to, find success when they come to school to give them the love for learning that they need to be lifetime learners. I believe that we have a qualified staff that is willing to find each child’s gift and help develop it.
In saying that, I also believe parental support towards the school is one of the most important factors for a child’s success in school. If we are to help students succeed, we all need to have the same focus on student success. It is important for the students, teachers, and parents to work together to best serve the needs of the student.
We will provide an atmosphere conducive to learning and we welcome you to join us and offer your child the support they need to be successful. Please feel free to contact me for a meeting if there is a need, my door is always open!!
Trish Bauer, Principal
Lakeland R-III Elementary12530 Lakeland School Drive
Deepwater, MO 64740
[email protected]