DETENTION: Students may be assigned detentions to be served after school as a consequence for their behavior. Detentions range from 15-45 minutes in length and are to be served in the designated location. Any student not cooperating with the detention as it is intended will be subjected to further disciplinary action.
INTERVENTIONS: Interventions may include the use of a variety of disciplinary consequences to correct a student’s behavior. This may include, but is not limited to, school service, loss of privileges, Saturday school or other discipline deemed to be appropriate for the situation.
IN-SCHOOL SUSPENSION: Students serving a suspension in-school have lost the privileges of an ordinary student. Students in ISS may not attend class; participate in after-school activities or competitions, etc. These students are assigned to a supervised room where they are isolated from their peers. Students are required to work on assignments and are given full credit for completed assignments. In addition students are not allowed to use any personal electronic devices, this includes but is not limited to; cell phones, tablets, MP3 players, Ipods, and hand held gaming devices. Excessive days of ISS (10 or more) may result in a student being suspended out of school. Written ISS expectations are available in the office.
OUT OF SCHOOL SUSPENSION: Students suspended from school are temporarily not members of the student body. Consequently, these students are not permitted to participate in or attend any school-sponsored activity, home or away, whether such activity is held on a regular school day or on a weekend. Suspended students are not permitted on the school grounds for any reason without prior approval of the principal.
**Students who are suspended out of school (OSS) may make up all assignments from home provided the student also completes 3 hours of community service for each day the student is suspended out of school. Documentation of community service including the number of hours served, contact information for the supervisor, and a description of services completed is due within 5 school days of returning to school from suspension. Students may recover up to 10 days of OSS through community service a year. Any days after the 10th day of OSS cannot be made up and all credit for school work will be lost.
Students who are OSS also face the following consequences:
If a senior student, they cannot participate in Senior Trip
Cannot receive an Academy Card for the rest of the school year
Sophomores and older are no longer eligible for the A+ program
Cannot participate in or attend school activities during suspension
Is not allowed on school grounds during the suspension
The above mentioned behaviors and consequences only serve as a guide in handling discipline problems. The principal and the superintendent reserve the right to vary from the discipline code guidelines in extreme cases.
ISS – In-School Suspension
OSS – Out of School Suspension
LA – Legal Authorities
LT – Possible Long-Term Suspension
CATEGORY I WEAPONS: The following items are not allowed on school property or any activity, home or away: Any device including but not limited to blackjack, concealed firearm, firearm, explosive weapon, gas gun, knife, chains, knuckles, projectile weapon, rifle, shotgun, spring gun, or switchblade.
Grades 7 - 12 | |
All Offenses | 1-180 days OSS or expulsion; Possible LA |
CATEGORY II WEAPONS: The following items which are considered potentially dangerous and are not allowed on school property or any school activity: pocket knives, ammunition, lighters, fireworks, smoke bombs, mace, pepper spray, look alike weapons or other items that are considered potentially dangerous.
Grades 7 - 12 | |
All Offenses | 1-180 days OSS or expulsion; Possible LA |
DRUGS AND ALCOHOL: Students who are in possession, use, selling, attempting to sell, or are under the influence of drugs or alcohol while on school ground are subject to discipline. This includes illegal drugs, controlled substances, “look alike” drugs, or paraphernalia. Students disciplined for this behavior may lose some extracurricular eligibility. Students with prescriptions or daily medications (including aspirin, birth control, etc.) should have a parent bring the items to the school nurse to have distributed at school. NO STUDENTS ARE TO SELF-MEDICATE ON DISTRICT PROPERTY.
Grades 7 - 12 | |
1st Offense | Up to 10 days OSS; LA, Possible LT |
2nd Offense | 10 days OSS; Possible LT, report to LA |
ACADEMIC DISHONESTY: Students are to complete their own work. Any student submitting work that is not their own will result in discipline. This includes (but is not limited to) cheating, plagiarism, copying, or being in possession of a teacher’s tests, answer keys, etc.
Grades 7 - 12 | |
1st Offense | Zero on assignment; Interventions |
2nd Offense | Zero on assignment; Parent Conf; 1-5 days ISS |
3rd Offense | Zero on assignment; 1-10 days ISS; Possible loss of course credit |
ASSAULT: Students may be disciplined if they (1) attempt to cause or recklessly cause physical injury to another person; (2) with criminal negligence, cause physical injury to another person by means of a deadly weapon; (3) purposely places another person in apprehension of immediate physical injury; (4) recklessly engages in conduct which creates a grave risk of death or physical injury to another person; (5) knowingly causes physical contact with another person knowing the other person will regard the act as offensive; (6) states verbal threats to another person that create a reasonable fear of injury. Digitally submitted threats or attempts to intimidate another person may be included in this policy.
Grades 7 - 12 | |
1st Offense | 1-10 days ISS/OSS; Possible LT; Possible LA |
2nd Offense | 5-10 days ISS/OSS; Possible LT; L |
3rd Offense | 10 days OSS; Possible LT; LA |
ASSAULT OR THREATS TOWARDS FACULTY/STAFF: Any aggressive verbal, written, or physical contact with a staff member that intentionally harms that person’s mental, emotional, or physical well-being. This includes the use of electronic media such as computers and cell phones.
Grades 7 - 12 | |
1st Offense | 1-10 days ISS/OSS; Possible LA; |
2nd Offense | 5-10 days OSS; Possible LT; LA |
BULLYING & CYBERBULLYING: "Bullying" means intimidation or harassment that causes a reasonable student to fear for his or her physical safety or property; substantially interferes with the educational performance, opportunities, or benefits of any student without exception; or substantially disrupts the orderly operation of the school. Bullying may consist of, but is not limited to, physical actions, including gestures, or oral, cyberbullying, electronic, or written communication, and any threat of retaliation for reporting of such acts. Bullying by students is prohibited on school property, at any school function, or on a school bus. "Cyberbullying" means bullying as defined in this subsection through the transmission of a communication including, but not limited to, a message, text, sound, or image by means of an electronic device including, but not limited to, a telephone, wireless telephone, or other wireless communication device, computer, or pager.”
Grades 7 -12 | |
1st Offense | Interventions; 1-5 days ISS/OSS |
2nd Offense | 1-10 days ISS/OSS |
3rd Offense | 1-10 days OSS; Possible referral to LA; Possible LT |
CARELESS DRIVING/PARKING LOT VIOLATIONS: Unsafe driving on or around district property, unregistered parking, failure to move vehicle at request of school officials, failure to follow established rules for parking or driving on district property.
Grades 9 - 12 | |
1st Offense | Interventions; Possible loss of driving/parking privileges |
2nd Offense | Possible 1-5 days ISS; Loss of driving/parking privileges |
3rd Offense | 1-10 days ISS; Loss of driving/parking privileges |
CELL PHONES and other ELECTRONIC DEVICES: The use of cell phones in the classroom for non-educational purposes is prohibited. Upon entering a classroom, gym, or computer lab students will be required to place their cell phones in a designated storage area in each room. While in class, phones should be on silent and in storage area, unless being used for educational research or other educational activity. Students should request to come to the office during passing period to use cell phones. Disciplinary action will be taken if cell phone is used or seen.
Grades 7 - 12 | |
1st Offense | 30 min detention; Device confiscated & Parent Picks Up Phone from School |
2nd Offense | 1 day of ISSDevice confiscated & Parent Picks Up Phone from School |
All Subsequent Offenses | 2-5 days ISS/OSS; Parent Picks Up Phone from School. Student may lose right to bring phone to school |
DEFIANCE: Refusal to follow instructions, being untruthful, unwillingness to cooperate, or insubordination towards faculty/staff.
Grades 7 & 8 | Grades 9 - 12 | |
1st Offense | Interventions; 1-3 days ISS / OSS | Interventions; 1-5 days ISS / OSS |
2nd Offense | 1-5 days ISS / OSS | 1-10 days ISS/OSS |
3rd Offense | 3-10 days ISS/OSS | 5-10 days ISS/OSS |
DISRUPTIVE SPEECH / CONDUCT: Possession of inflammatory material, speech, or conduct on school property or during school activities which detracts from or disrupts the learning environment sufficiently to cause a referral to be made to an administrator. Offensive personal hygiene may be considered disruptive to the learning environment.
Grades 7 & 8 | Grades 9 - 12 | |
1st Offense | Interventions; Up to 2 days ISS | Interventions; Up to 3 days ISS |
2nd Offense | Interventions; 1-5 days ISS / OSS | Interventions; 1-10 days ISS / OSS |
3rd Offense | 1-10 days ISS/OSS | 1-10 days ISS/OSS; Possible LT |
DRESS CODE VIOLATIONS: Student should be dressed to be a professional student. Shorts and skirts must be mid-thigh in length. Shoes should be worn at all times. Hooded sweatshirts may be restricted if individual students use them to conceal restricted items or use them as headgear. No head gear of any kind (hats, caps, bandannas, etc.). No clothing portraying or promoting tobacco, drugs, alcohol, sexual references, or other inappropriate symbols are allowed. Clothing should cover midriff, cleavage, and/or undergarments. Sunglasses are not to be worn in the building. Pants with holes exposing or possibly exposing skin above the knees are not allowed. Administration reserves the right to make the final decision on the appropriateness of any item of clothing.
Grades 7 - 12 | |
1st Offense | Warning; Changing of apparel |
2nd Offense | Interventions; Changing of apparel |
3rd Offense + | 1-5 days ISS/OSS |
EXCESSIVE ISS: Students who have earned ten (10) or more days of ISS during the school year may be assigned OSS in lieu of ISS regardless of the listed consequences for the various offenses listed in the handbook.
Grades 7 - 12 | |
Any Offense After 10 Days of ISS have been assigned and served | Administration has the discretion to assign OSS in lieu of ISS. The number of days of OSS assigned shall not exceed the possible number of ISS days allowed in the policy. |
FAILURE TO MEET CONDITIONS OF SUSPENSION, EXPULSION, OR OTHER DISCIPLINARY CONSEQUENCES:Students who are suspended out of school or expelled may not be on or near district property or places where district events are being held.
Grades 7 - 12 | |
All Offenses | Warning, Detention, ISS, 1-180 days OSS or expulsion; Possible LA |
FIGHTING: Discipline will be taken on those who fight at school. Additional discipline may be assigned to anyone provoking or initiating a fight. One side fighting or additional aggression may result in the classification of assault rather than fighting. “Horse play” may be considered as a lesser category than fighting, but may still result in discipline.
Grades 7 - 12 | |
1st Offense | 1-10 days ISS/OSS; Possible LA; Possible LT |
2nd Offense | 5-10 days ISS/OSS; LA; Possible LT |
3rd Offense + | 5-10 days OSS; LA; Possible LT |
FIREWORKS OR OTHER INCINDIARY DEVICES: Possession or use of fireworks, firecrackers, and smoke bombs on school property.
Grades 7 - 12 | |
All Offenses | 1-10 days ISS/OSS; Possible LA; Possible LT |
HARASSEMENT: Intentionally placing a student in a situation where mental or physical harm can take place. This may include verbal, written, or physical aggression, or racial remarks.
Grades 7 - 12 | |
1st Offense | Interventions; 1-10 days ISS/OSS; Possible LA |
2nd Offense | 1-10 days ISS/OSS; Possible LA; Possible LT |
3rd Offense + | 1-10 days OSS; LA; Possible LT |
INDECENT EXPOSURE: Intentionally exposing one’s own body parts normally which are normally covered or forcibly exposing body parts of another person which are normally covered.
Grades 7 - 12 | |
All Offenses | 1-10 days ISS/OSS; Possible LA; Possible LT |
MISUSE OF COMPUTERS: Defacing or misusing computers; looking through unauthorized files, including but not limited to: sending unauthorized messages on the network, bypassing district content filtering program, unauthorized use of software or hardware, violation of copyright laws, or tampering with computer settings.
Grades 7 - 12 | |
1st Offense | Interventions; Possible 1-10 days ISS/OSS; Possible loss of computer privileges; Possible LA |
2nd Offense | 1-10 days ISS/OSS; Possible loss of computer privileges; Possible LA; Possible LT |
3rd Offense + | 1-10 days OSS; Loss of computer privileges for 1 year; LA; Possible LT |
NUISANCE ITEMS: Unapproved use of items such as video games, CD players, iPods, MP3 players, toys, and other items distracting to the educational environment. **The use of any of these items while in ISS will result in one additional day of ISS.
Grades 7 - 12 | |
1st Offense | Warning; Device confiscated & returned at end of school day |
2nd Offense | 30 min detention; Device confiscated & returned at end of day |
3rd Offense + | 1-5 days ISS; Device confiscated & parent must pick-up device |
PUBLIC DISPLAY OF AFFECTION: Display of affection such as kissing and/or other forms of personal contact have no place in school. It causes embarrassment for other students, staff members, and guests in our building.
Grades 7 - 12 | |
1st Offense | Interventions; Up to 5 days ISS |
2nd Offense | Interventions; 1-5 days ISS |
3rd Offense + | 1-5 days ISS/OSS |
SEXTING OR POSSESSION OF SEXUALLY, EXPLICIT, OR VIOLENT MATERIAL: Students may not possess or display, electronically or otherwise, sexually explicit, or violent material including, but not limited to pornography or depictions of violence or explicit death or injury. This does not apply to staff approved curricular materials.
Grades 7 - 12 | |
All Offenses | Confiscation; Interventions; 1-10 days ISS/OSS; Possible LA; Possible LT |
SEXUAL HARASSMENT: Inappropriate behavior which portrays sex or sexual conduct in a manner offensive to community standards. Words, spoken or written, touching or other physical conduct of sexual nature violate this guideline.
Grades 7 - 12 | |
1st Offense | Interventions; 1-10 days ISS/OSS; Possible LA, Possible LT |
2nd Offense | 1-10 days ISS/OSS; Possible LA; Possible LT |
3rd Offense + | 1-10 days OSS; LA; Possible LT |
STEALING: Stealing or attempting to steal private or school property.
Grades 7 - 12 | |
1st Offense | Interventions; 1-5 days ISS/OSS; Restitution; Possible LA |
2nd Offense | 1-10 days ISS/OSS; Possible LA; Restitution; Possible LT |
3rd Offense + | 5-10 days ISS/OSS; Restitution; LA; Possible LT |
TARDIES: Students must be in the classroom when the bell rings or they will be considered tardy. Tardy records are kept by semester.
Grades 7 – 12 | |
Tardy #3 – 5 | 30 Minute Detention with teacher |
Tardy #6 & #7 | Office Referral – 1 day of ISS |
Tardy #8 or more | Office Referral --2-10 days of ISS |
TOBACCO & OTHER INHALANTS: The use or possession of tobacco products other inhalants such as e-cigarettes on school grounds is prohibited. This includes (but is not limited to) the use or possession of cigarettes, lighters, and chewing tobacco.
Grades 7 - 12 | |
1st Offense | 2 days ISS |
2nd Offense | 4 days ISS |
3rd Offense + | 2-10 days OSS |
TRUANCY: Is defined as the act of staying out of school, or a specific class without parent or school permission. This includes leaving the building and/or campus without permission from parents or the office. Parents will be notified by phone, mail, or email. School attendance is compulsory up to the age of 17.
Grades 7 - 12 | |
1st Offense | Interventions; Up to 2 days ISS / OSS |
2nd Offense | 4 days ISS / OSS |
3rd Offense + | 4-10 days ISS / OSS |
VANDALISM: Willful damage or attempts to damage any property, real or personal, belonging to school, staff, or students.
Grades 7 - 12 | |
1st Offense | Intervention; restitution; up to 10 days ISS/OSS; possible LT or expulsion |
2nd Offense | Intervention; restitution; 5 to 10 days ISS/OSS; possible LT or expulsion |
3rd Offense + | 10 days OSS; Possible LT; Possible LA; Restitution |
VERBAL ABUSE AND/OR DISRESPECT TOWARDS FACULTY/STAFF: Any verbal or physical act that is disrespectful to a staff member. This includes, but is not limited to, the use of profanities, verbally or physically mocking a teacher, rude behavior, or any other conduct deemed to be disrespectful by the faculty and/or administration.
Grades 7 - 12 | |
1st Offense | Interventions; 1-10 days ISS/OSS; Possible LA |
2nd Offense & Subsequent Offenses | 1-10 days ISS/OSS; Possible LT; Possible LA |