The Lakeland Board of Education Commitment Statement
Reaffirmation of Faith: Believing in America’s democratic processes, we, the members of the Board of Education, having been elected by the citizens of this community, hereby reaffirm our faith in the Lakeland R-III School System.
Educational Opportunities: Seeking to serve the best interests of all students at Lakeland, we declare publicly our aim to provide the highest educational opportunities for each and every one of our young people to the end that they may find challenge, inspiration, and success limited only by their own potential and ambition.
Best Teachers Available: In providing these opportunities, we shall continue our endeavor to discover, attract, and hold the best teaching talent available. To be successful in this quest, we shall offer professional salaries and other opportunities and benefits comparable to those available in school systems similar to ours.
Program of Quality: Respecting the administrators selected to supervise and direct the program of education, we shall encourage them by every honorable means to maintain an educational program of quality.
The Key Figure: Realizing that the key professional figure in all education is the classroom teacher, we shall exercise the power and authority vested in us to insure their freedom to teach under truly professional conditions.
Parents Invited: Understanding the concern and interest of parents whose children are in this district, we shall invite them and all other interested citizens to attend board meetings, visit the school, participate in appropriate activities and confer with teachers and school officials.
The Community: Recognizing our legal and moral obligations to the community, we shall strive most diligently to manage the schools in a sound and economical manner, to avoid unnecessary expense, to shun extravagance and wherever desirable to call on citizens to sit in on such deliberations in advance of decisions.