Parent/Spectator Information
Communication That Coaches/Sponsors Expect From Parents
Concerns should be expressed directly to the coach/sponsor, but NOT immediately before, during, or after a contest or practice. If needed, a meeting should be facilitated and scheduled first with the coach. If conflict has not been resolved after that meeting a meeting may be scheduled with the athletic director and/or principal
Notification of any schedule conflicts should be shared well in advance
Any illness or injuries
Communications You Should Expect from Your Student’s Coach/Sponsor
Philosophy of the coach/sponsor
Expectations the coach/sponsor has for your son/daughter and for all the students involved in the activity.
Location and times of all practices and games
Team/activity requirements such as fees, special equipment, etc.
Procedure should your son/daughter be injured during participation
Discipline that results in the denial of your son/daughter’s participation
Requirements to earn a school letter for that activity
Appropriate Concerns to Discuss with Coaches/Sponsors
The treatment of your student mentally and physically
Ways to help your student improve
Concerns about your student’s behavior
Issues Not Appropriate to Discuss with Coaches/Sponsors
Playing/participation time
Team strategy
Play calling
Other student-athletes/participants
Procedures to Discuss Concerns with a Coach/Sponsor
Call the coach/sponsor at school to set up an appointment
If the coach/sponsor cannot be reached at school, do not call them at home, instead set up an appointment through the Activities Director
Please do not approach the coach/sponsor before or after a contest or practice. These times are usually emotional for both the parent and coach. Meetings at these times rarely establish a resolution.
If meeting with the coach does not resolve your concern, please contact the Activities Director to discuss the situation. The next steps will be determined at this meeting.
Parent/Spectator Behavior Policy
The primary responsibility of the Lakeland R-III Schools’ activities program is to its students. It is understood that the coaches/sponsors will promote the growth of each individual in the activity and as a person. The following guidelines are established:
Concerns or complaints are not to be addressed at competitions or practices. Parents should schedule a conference with the coach/sponsor to address concerns. Coaches and sponsors will be instructed that their primary responsibilities at games and practice are to the team or group and the individual issues with parents or spectators should only be discussed in the proper setting.
Parents and spectators must abide by accepted sportsmanship standards. This includes behavior towards officials, school staff and administration, coaches, sponsors, other spectators, the players, and anyone associated with the opponents.
These guidelines apply to home and away activities.
Should patrons not abide by the above standards, penalties may be imposed including, but not limited to, verbal warnings, removal from grounds or event, and suspension from all Lakeland R-III School activities.