All raffle tickets (both sold and unsold) and money are due back this Thursday, October 3rd so they can be counted for the candidates. If you want to buy raffle tickets today or tomorrow, please contact the elementary office at 417-644-2223 ext. 101. Updated Raffle Prize List - 10/1/19 2019 PTSO Carnival Raffle Prize List St. Clair County Bank - $100 cash prize Full Line Lumber – 16 inch oscillating stand fan Walmart - $30 gift card Pizza Hut – large 1 topping pizza Pizza Hut – large 1 topping pizza Pizza Hut – large 1 topping pizza Jim Raysik, Inc. – 1 free oil change Mallard’s Roadhouse – $25 gift card Mallard’s Roadhouse – t-shirt Stinnett Tires – 1 free tire change Stinnett Tires – 1 free tire change Baker Law Firm - $100 cash prize Fantasy Cuts Salon – $25 gift certificate Fantasy Cuts Salon – $25 gift certificate Sugarfoot BBQ – t-shirt Sugarfoot BBQ – sandwich and drink Everharts Outdoor Store – gift certificate Jim’s Sporting Goods – Lakeland hat O’Reilly Automotive – car kit Big Oak Winery – 2 wine tastings certificate (must be 21 or older to win) Big Oak Winery – bottle of wine (must be 21 or older to win) Big Oak Winery – bottle of wine (must be 21 or older to win) Valerie’s Photography – gift certificate for sitting fee and an 8x10 ($50 value) Sew Like Mom – embroidered towel set The Bluebird Mercantile - $25 gift certificate Dull & Heanny, LLC – cash prize Allen Kidwiler, RE/MAX Truman Lake - $100 cash prize C Squared Embroidery & Screenprinting – Viking embroidered fleece quarter zip C Squared Embroidery & Screenprinting – hat Hetherington Meat Processing – gift certificate Hinkle's Screen Printing & Embroidery – jacket Tightwad Tees, LLC – Lakeland stainless steel travel cup Chel’s Bakery, Espresso and Café - $10 gift certificate Pizza Glen - 1 large pizza Hair Expressions - hair product gift bag Blue Ribbon Bakery - 1 large fruit pizza AutoZone – car cleaning kit AutoZone – car tool kit Rustic Honey – gift certificate Golden Valley Memorial Hospital – gift basket Lowry City Farmers Exchange – bucket of horse supplies ($55 value) B&B Theatres – 2 movie passes and a tub of popcorn B&B Theatres – 2 movie passes and a tub of popcorn Michelle’s Hobby Photography – Thirty-One lunch tote Tracy Hilty, Henry County Mutual - $20 Clinton Chamber of Commerce gift card Dollar General - $10 gift card Farmer’s Elevator - $50 gift certificate Lakeland PTSO - $50 cash prize Lakeland PTSO - $50 cash prize
over 5 years ago, Liana Bennett
raffle tickets
Golden Valley Medical - Osceola will be hosting a flu shot clinic at school on Tuesday, October 15th. Consent forms were sent home today. You can also find the forms on the on the website at Nurse Alice needs this completed form back by Wednesday, October 9th. You must also provide a copy of your insurance card.
over 5 years ago, Liana Bennett
flu shot clinic
The Fall Book Fair is Coming! Monday, October 7th to Friday, October 11th - It's an Arctic Adventure!
over 5 years ago, Liana Bennett
Fall Book Fair
2019 PTSO Carnival Candidates Preschool - Lilla Susunaga and Ren Moran KA - Rowan Higginbotham and Wyatt Gifford KB - Layla Whipple and Peyton Clark 1A - Jonathon Adams and Kaitlin Salmon 1B - Alyssa Scrogham and Kason Dugan 2A - Timothy Trowbridge and Kristi Blevins 2B - Rylie Vaughn and Hunter Stockton 3A - Natalia Miller and Jameson Sprouse 3B - Maddie Wilkins and Zach McFadden 4A - Peyton Sloan and Morgan Baker 4B - Kerstyn Stephens and Eric Watson 5th grade - Laila Jefferson and Shawn Decker 6th grade - Grace Parmalee and Will Golder 7th grade - Dawson Harrill and Zoey Call 8th grade - Braxton Brownlee and Zoie Breshears Please support these candidates by purchasing raffle tickets! Thank you!
over 5 years ago, Liana Bennett
2019 PTSO Carnival Raffle Prize List Updated 9/23/19 St. Clair County Bank - $100 cash prize Full Line Lumber – 16 inch oscillating stand fan Walmart - $30 gift card Pizza Hut – large 1 topping pizza Pizza Hut – large 1 topping pizza Pizza Hut – large 1 topping pizza Jim Raysik, Inc. – 1 free oil change Mallard’s Roadhouse – $25 gift card Mallard’s Roadhouse – t-shirt Stinnett Tires – 1 free tire change Stinnett Tires – 1 free tire change Baker Law Firm - $100 cash prize Fantasy Cuts Salon – $25 gift certificate Fantasy Cuts Salon – $25 gift certificate Sugarfoot BBQ – t-shirt Sugarfoot BBQ – sandwich and drink Everharts Outdoor Store – gift certificate Jim’s Sporting Goods – Lakeland hat O’Reilly Automotive – car kit Big Oak Winery – 2 wine tastings certificate (must be 21 or older to win) Big Oak Winery – bottle of wine (must be 21 or older to win) Big Oak Winery – bottle of wine (must be 21 or older to win) Valerie’s Photography – gift certificate for sitting fee and an 8x10 ($50 value) Sew Like Mom – embroidered towel set The Bluebird Mercantile - $25 gift certificate Dull & Heanny, LLC – cash prize Allen Kidwiler, RE/MAX Truman Lake - $100 cash prize C Squared Embroidery & Screenprinting – fleece quarter zip C Squared Embroidery & Screenprinting – hat Hetheringtons Meats – gift certificate Hinkle's Screen Printing & Embroidery – jacket Tightwad Tees, LLC – Lakeland stainless steel travel cup Chel’s Bakery, Espresso and Café - $10 gift certificate Pizza Glen - 1 large pizza Hair Expressions - hair product gift bag Blue Ribbon Bakery - 1 large fruit pizza AutoZone – car cleaning kit AutoZone – car tool kit Rustic Honey – gift certificate Golden Valley Memorial Hospital – gift basket Lowry City Farmers Exchange – bucket of horse supplies ($55 value)
over 5 years ago, Liana Bennett
Results from Saturday's Cross Country meet in Clinton: Varsity high school boys: Caleb Wirsig 32nd and Alex Sage 51st, Varsity high school girls: Makenna Wilkins 17th and Megan Call 18th, Junior high girls: Neveah Echavarria 8th, Junior high boys: Braxton Brownlee 1st and Noah Bigler 6th Congratulations to Braxton Brownlee on setting a course record of 10:37!
over 5 years ago, Liana Bennett
19 elementary students read every day during summer 2019! They enjoyed a picnic with the principal this week. Students included: Mattie Johnson Kaitlin Salmon, Blayke Snedeger, Maddie Wilkins, Ashlynn Tanner, Dacoda Girardin, Rylie Vaughn, Addison Bennett, Pearl Hammontree, Jordan Hart, Rowan Abernathy, Natalie Golder, Noah Abernathy, Bella Kentch, Madyson Duty, Samantha Cable, Alana Buce, Shaelyn Sapp and Kahlen Dealy. Great job reading this summer, students!
over 5 years ago, Liana Bennett
summer readers
Results from Wednesday's Cross Country meet at Drexel: High School Varsity boys: Caleb Wirsig, 25th and Alex Sage, 32nd Varsity girls: Makenna Wilkins, 12th - medal JV Girls: Megan Call, 1st- medal Junior High Boys: Braxton Brownlee, 3rd - medal and Noah Bigler, 16th Girls: Nevaeh Echavarria, 12th - medal
over 5 years ago, Liana Bennett
Megan Call, Nevaeh Echavarria and Makenna Wilkins with Coach Bryan Merrick at Drexel
1st Quarter Midterm Today and No School on Monday
over 5 years ago, Liana Bennett
1st Quarter Midterm
2019 PTSO Carnival Raffle Prize List New prizes are being added daily! St. Clair County Bank - $100 cash prize Full Line Lumber – 16 inch oscillating stand fan Walmart - $30 gift card Pizza Hut – large 1 topping pizza Pizza Hut – large 1 topping pizza Pizza Hut – large 1 topping pizza Jim Raysik, Inc. – 1 free oil change Mallard’s Roadhouse – $25 gift card Mallard’s Roadhouse – t-shirt Stinnett Tires – 1 free tire change Stinnett Tires – 1 free tire change Baker Law Firm - $100 cash prize Fantasy Cuts Salon – gift certificate Sugarfoot BBQ – t-shirt Sugarfoot BBQ – sandwich and drink Everharts Outdoor Store – gift certificate Jim’s Sporting Goods – 1 Lakeland hat O’Reilly Automotive – car kit Big Oak Winery – 2 wine tastings certificate (must be 21 or older to win) Big Oak Winery – bottle of wine (must be 21 or older to win) Big Oak Winery – bottle of wine (must be 21 or older to win) Valerie’s Photography – gift certificate for sitting fee and an 8x10 ($50 value) Sew Like Mom – embroidered towel set The Bluebird Mercantile - $25 gift certificate Dull & Heanny, LLC – cash prize Allen Kidwiler, RE/MAX Truman Lake - $100 cash prize C Squared Embroidery & Screenprinting – fleece quarter zip C Squared Embroidery & Screenprinting – hat As of 9/19/19
over 5 years ago, Liana Bennett
Changes have been made to the menu for Monday and Friday lunches. You can see them here:
over 5 years ago, Liana Bennett
PTSO School Carnival, Friday, October 4th
over 5 years ago, Liana Bennett
Tomorrow is picture day - bring your smile to school!
over 5 years ago, Liana Bennett
Picture day
Please donate today! Open from 9-3, please share!
over 5 years ago, Liana Bennett
Blood drive
Please join us in welcoming Alexis Self to Lakeland! My name is Alexis Self and I am glad to be working with such great students as a paraprofessional for grades 7-12 at Lakeland this year! I was born and raised in Osceola. I have worked at Roscoe, and coached at Osceola and Cottey College. Sports are a huge part of mine and my families lives, so we spend a lot of time together and are very close. I’m excited to see the possibilities Lakeland has for me.
over 5 years ago, Liana Bennett
Please make plans to donate blood this Thursday, September 5th and share this post!
over 5 years ago, Liana Bennett
blood drive
Happy Labor Day Weekend!
over 5 years ago, Liana Bennett
Labor Day
Please join us in welcoming David Roggensees to Lakeland! I was born at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base and raised in Bronaugh, Missouri. I have a B.A. in History from Missouri Southern State University, and a M.A. in History from Missouri State University. I worked for 20 years running historic sites for Missouri State Parks. I have taught adjunct courses in United States History for Missouri State, Cy-Fair College, Blinn College and Ozarks Technical Community College. I have also taught research and writing at Missouri State.
over 5 years ago, Liana Bennett
Yearbooks have arrived! Any graduating senior who ordered one may pick it up at school. If you didn't order one, there are some extras available for $40. You can email Ms. Uchtman at [email protected] to get a copy.
over 5 years ago, Liana Bennett
There will be a PTSO meeting tonight at 6:30 in the high school library. It's only $1 to join! Please help us support our students.
over 5 years ago, Liana Bennett